Tips for the Shopping Parent

As a parent I find there are so many options for so many different items for your kids! You need a sippy cup? What size? What color? Lock top? Leak proof? Easy Grip? Handles? Thin enough to fit in a highchair cup holder? What about your carseat cup holder? Or the stroller cup holder? One you can put in your purse, or diaper bag, or backpack? BPA free? Dishwasher safe? You get the idea…

Something so easy suddenly becomes a tough decision making process! And it’s mainly for marketing purposes. I get it. There are a couple tricks to help make that process a little easier…

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Top 10 Gift Finds for Ages 2-8 on Amazon

santababy1 Does anyone else find it hard to navigate online sales and find a true deal? There are so many different deal sites, so many different advertisements that by the time I’m done shopping my head hurts.

To save others from possible headaches I decided to share some things I stumbled across from shopping for my own kids on Amazon. These are primarily gifts for anyone with children ages 2-8 years. Some of these have limited sales prices, some are dropped prices for the whole month and some are just a good find any time of year!

Take a look, click on a photo to find out more. I hope there’s something you like too.

Happy Shopping! Read more