From Crib to Bed: Making the Transition Easier

kid in bedMost parents move their child from crib to bed between ages 18 months and three years old. However, there is no standard rule regarding the right time to put your child in a bed.

When to move from crib to bed?

Switching your child from crib to bed must be done properly. Many parents move their child to a bed when they have outgrown the crib. However, the arrival of another child is the most common reason for making the move. If you are having another child, then make the switch at least two months before your due date. This allows your child to get familiar and comfortable in his new bed. Another option is to switch your toddler from crib to bed when your new baby is at least three months old. Prior to this time, your new baby may sleep in a Moses basket or co-sleeper. This allows the older child to get used to seeing the baby, making the transition faster and easier for him into his own bed.

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Choosing Hypoallergenic Bedding Materials for Kids

sleeping childIs your child restless during the night? Does he keep waking up? Is he sneezing for no reason? These problems may be caused by allergies. Yes, your child may be allergic to his own bed. It is important to identify the allergies, so that you can choose hypoallergenic items your child can use and address the discomfort. The following are simple tips when choosing hypoallergenic bedding for your child.

1. Identify the Allergies

There are many reasons for the discomfort of your child. Dust mites and their droppings can cause allergic flare-ups. Mold can also cause respiratory allergies. Skin irritation can be from either natural or synthetic fibers. It may take some trial and error or check with your child’s doctor to find the source of allergies.

2. Protect Their Bedding from External Allergens

Dander, mold, dust mites and other allergens can grow or build up on bedding over time. To prevent these allergens from reaching your bedding, it is best to cover your pillow or mattress with hypoallergenic slipcovers. Also look for fabric with high thread counts because they have a tighter weave and make a better barrier against allergens.

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